Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diet For a Diabetic - Tips For Better Blood Sugar Control

For those newly diagnosed with diabetes one of the hardest parts of managing their disease is the undertaking of a diet for a diabetic. But since this is also probably the most important part of managing this condition re-learning to eat the right types of foods is paramount.

There is a lot of dietary information available for the diabetic in the form of books and online resources. When you throw in the information given by their health care provider and nutritionist it can be a little overwhelming and confusing when first starting out with a diabetic diet. Fortunately with a little time those with diabetes learn how to manage their disease through the foods they eat.

With that in mind here are 4 tips that if you keep them at the forefront of your diabetic meal planning will keep you on the right track to fighting the complications that diabetes causes.

1. Watch the snacks - This can be one of the more difficult things that any diabetic has to undertake. In our society the grocery store shelves and checkout lines are loaded with snacks and drinks that are the bain of the diabetic. These foods are loaded with refined sugars which spike blood sugar levels the instant you eat them. You will have to break the sugary snack habit and instead eat more healthy snacks such as unsalted mixed nuts and fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Watch for foods that are highly processed and made with white flour - What you need to be eating are whole grain foods that are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. The reasons for this are simple; complex carbohydrates from high fiber foods are broken down slowly and released into the bloods stream at a manageable rate. This keeps blood sugar levels steady without the huge spikes caused by refined foods.

3. Eat more raw foods including fruits and vegetables - Foods in their rawest and freshest form are the healthiest foods and are an important part of a diet for a diabetic. They are high in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, and complex carbohydrates all of which are a key part of blood sugar management.

4. Stay hydrated - That's right you need to drink plenty of water. While it contains little in the way of nutrients it is probably the most important nutrient you can consume. It keeps all your bodily systems running smoothly and helps removes wastes and toxins from the blood stream.

The diet for a diabetic is an evolving undertaking as you learn more about your condition and how to manage its effects. If you keep these four tips in mind you will find that you will soon find the right combination of foods and lifestyle choices that keep you healthy and whole.

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